This quest is about developing your own approach to carrying out an asset based community development programme in your street or Neighbourhood. It enables learners to acquire the knowledge, key principles and core methods of this particular approach to community development and harness its benefits in a practical application of its methods in their street or Neighbourhood. It does so in an action learning approach.
Group of young people sitting together working on new community plans
Noun Project - Jacob Lund Photography
To undertake research into the theories and methods underpinning asset based community development and apply that into a mapping, research and trial of an asset based community development approach in a local area/community. To evaluate the trial and assess whether it has positively advanced community development.
This can be done by an individual leaner bit would be better if a small group of learners worked together to engage and deliver the learning programme.
Please read the Process document in the resources section, this will provide you with step by step guide on how to complete the task.
This learning quest will teach learners an end-to end process around asset based community development from research into its key tents, theories and methods, application in research and trialling an approach in the field, It will enable leaners to see the value of the approach in practice and learn the first steps of community building
Learning Objectives
- • Appreciation of the theories and methods of asset based community development
- • Understanding the community building that asset based community developing can deliver
- • Mapping and questionnaire design
- • Desktop research
- • Asset based community development theory, principles and methods
- • Asset based community development application of methods
- • Organisational skills
- • Evaluation skills
- • Research – basic quantitative and qualitative
- • Communication skills – promoting and developing an approach